Corporate Social Responsibility

Junior Rangers
At Junior Rangers, children and young people are regularly taught about specific environmental protection topics in educational units both at schools and in a nearby wildlife parks in Maun – directly in the nature. Lodge Builders Botswana continues to support Junior Rangers through materials and cash donations.

Feed a Child Botswana
Feed A Child is an NGO which was formed with the aim to address basic nutrition of the community focusing on the government’s poverty eradication programs. Lodge Builders Botswana supports Feed A Child through cash donations.

Safari Destinations
Every winter, Safari Destinations; a local Destination Management Company, calls on the community to “spread the warmth” by donating a blanket to the less fortunate. We support the winter blanket drive through both monetary donations and materials.

Bana Ba Letsatsi
Bana Ba Letsatsi operates as a rehabilitation centre for orphans and vulnerable children in Maun, Botswana.
From this centre ongoing support in the form of counselling, education, skills training, daily meals, sports, clothes, transport, medical attention, hygiene facilities etc are provided. We continuously support Bana ba Letsatsi by means of monetary donations.

Project Sanitise Maun
Project Sanitise Maun which was established via the Maun District Commissioner with a directive from the Office of The President to call on us as a community.
When our COVID numbers began to rise, we were able to offer our support to Sanitise Maun by initially providing tents, beds and linen to allow for immediate occupation of 50 patients.